Hi there!
My name is Milou.

About me

I’m 22 years old, a recent Communication & Multimedia Design graduate, now part-time UX/UI designer & plant expert for Plantsome, and dedicated cat-mom to boot.
I strongly believe that form follows function; something can be stunning to look at, but if it doesn’t work well, you still won’t use it.  This is why I love making functional things look pretty, and ensuring pretty things are also functional! A design should always help people achieve what they need to. 
In my free time, I enjoy reading, writing, baking cookies, keeping my ever-growing collection of plants alive, binging series on Netflix and interior design.

What I do

Visual Design

I believe UX- and Visual design should always go hand-in-hand. Visual design isn't just beautiful; it adds functionality and makes things easier to use.

User Experience

I enjoy creating order where there is chaos, and helping our end-users achieve their goals while still achieving our own is, and will always be my main priority.

Creative Copywriting

I've always loved language. Where design is the cake, copywriting is the cherry on top. Words have a way of humanising a design and persuading it's users.

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