Visual design

Branding 'fris.'

During my minor “Internal Communication & Change Management” our first task was to establish a consultancy. We created a brand identity, and after deciding on a name, core values and the like, I took it upon myself to visualise our brand.

Our consultancy had chosen “fris” as our name; which translates to “fresh”, and “echt, samen, overtreffend” as our core values, roughly translated to “real, together, exceeding expectations”. As a set of four students, we wanted our clients to feel like they would be getting a fresh pair of eyes to look at their challenge. Our branding would have to reflect the fact that our company is young and maybe a little quirky, but it would also need to give us some credibility. During this process, I experimented with different fonts, colours and even the use of capitals and punctuation. 

I decided on a combination of serif and sans-serif fonts to balance both parts of our identity; credible yet playful. Our serif font would keep things playful, which would provide some contrast with a more severe looking sans-serif. I did the same with our colours, and ended up with a bright golden yellow in contrast to a darker indigo. I chose the indigo as a replacement to dark blue, a colour often used in corporate environments. It’s our own play on the more serious aspect of our identity. 
The styleguide I made for ‘fris’ can be found here.

My thoughts on this project

I’m very happy with the end result; I feel like it’s a perfect reflection of who we are as a consultancy, and that it really sets us apart from our competitors. I would, however, like to keep working on it and establish some firmer rules on how the identity can be applied as it’s something I’m playing by ear at the minute.

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