Visual design, interaction design

ING redesign

For a Screen Design course, I was asked to redesign the product page for the ING banking app. The design would have to adhere to the current branding of ING, and as with every product page, convince the user to use the app.

To start the assignment, I familiarised myself with ING’s branding and looked into the branding and product pages of it’s competitors. After having done my research, I started sketching out some wireframes. I made them with the cards in mind, and then used Sketch to play around with the design a little more before deciding on the final layout. While I’ve previously used this project in my portfolio as well, I went over it before publishing it again because I wasn’t happy with it when I revisited it. 

I eventually decided to base my design around the first wireframe, focusing on drawing attention to the download buttons and introducing the app through the ING illustrations already had available. The product page emphasises the app’s unique selling points and has helpful tips on how to use it, so that it’s accessible for a larger audience.
The final interface can be found here!

My thoughts on this project

Because I revisited this project a good year after initially completing it, I really enjoyed seeing how I now look at things differently. I think the design is more balanced now, and that it’s a better match to the brand identity ING has established. It’s nice to see how a few changes can make for such a different result.

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