User experience design

Portfolio generator

For my internship at WEAREREASONABLEPEOPLE, I was asked to design a system that would help them quickly create custom corporate portfolio’s for every potential client, to further enhance the sales process. 

During this project, I was guided by our Design Principal, who also fulfilled the role of product owner. I started by analysing the current situation; we didn’t really have a company portfolio to show potential clients, and something would often have to be thrown together. After identifying the risks and unknowns of this project, I started interviewing the people involved in our sales process. In doing so, I identified our main points of improvement and used the information I obtained to create persona’s and user stories for potential clients and all other involved stakeholders.
This, in turn, could be used to establish the user flows;  how could we ensure the tool would be easy to use for all people involved? Using one of the company’s core values, “use the prototype mindset”, I tested the flows with our stakeholders and adjusted where necessary. With the user flows done, my next focus was creating a sitemap to showcase the inner workings of the portfolio generator. I chose to create a sitemap using mini wireframes to better show the workings of the tool for each user, but was asked to mainly focus on the project pages due to the time crunch. I’d be happy to share more of the research upon request.

When the opportunity arose for me to work on client project, this project was temporarily put on hold. This eventually resulted in the project not being completed within the time I had for my internship, but along with the research, user flows and sitemap, there’s a solid plan of action in place for when there is time to further design the system.
In the mean time, I’ve also provided a set of wireframes that can be uses when building custom portfolios.

My thoughts on this project

While this project was sadly not completed, I’m happy that there’s a solid base to build on in the future. I enjoyed getting to know our stakeholders and attempting to create an intuitive system that would be low-maintenance, yet effective for all of those involved. I’d really like to revisit this in the future to design all interfaces and see how users would eventually interact with it.

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